No seriously, the level of security on my internet banking makes the heist in Ocean's Eleven seem more achievable than stealing out of my checkings account.
Firstly, they send you your card, this crazy weird calculator thing and your internet login username and password in separate packages and at separate intervals in the mail. The latter of which must be retrieved, in person, at the post office with your passport as photo id.
Ready to log into your online banking? Well enter in your internet username and password that you got in the mail on the website. Then you get to a page that spews out an 6+ digit number. You insert your debit card into the slot at the top of the PostFinance calculator and enter in this number. Don't forget to enter in your banking pin. Now a different number will appear on your calculator screen. You now enter this number into the website page and voila - you can now view your bank account where you must surely have millions of dollars to merit this type of encryption.
Holy crap. I guess you don't screw around if you're a country known for offshore banking.