Coffee is a whole different species in Europe. I think it would be incorrect to think of it as the same beverage as what is sold in Canada. I wouldn't be so unpatriotic as to call a Tim's Double-Double "Black Soup" but absolutely all the coffee I've had so far is so beyond what I am use to.
I'm not even buying coffee in fancy places. I'm talking about the coffee vendor carts at the train station, the free coffee at the Italian hostel I stayed at and the coffee machine at work. By the by, that's a photo of the coffee I drink every morning and it has 4 different coloured tiers of caffeine goodness.
Coffee here is like a fancy espresso drink back home. I can assure you it doesn't come from a twenty year old plastic drip machine. It's so tasty that I don't even bother to use my coffee maker at my apartment for my routine 8pm coffee because I rather go without it now that I know what half the world has been drinking.
Mind you, you'd be hard pressed to find a coffee in Switzerland for under 3 CHF.
PS."Gas Turbines Forever!"