Here are some daily examples of how I know I am identified as a non-European/non-Swiss by other people (Besides the obvious fact that I am Asian) :
- The way men look at me when I hold the door open for them.
(Which is: uncomfortable and confused)
Here, "ladies first" is in full practice
- I don't have a stockpile of red and white wines at home (only Jack Daniel's Winter Jack, sorry). This lack is apparent as soon as any non-Canadian comes over for dinner.
- "Wow! You use REAL cheese on your McDonalds burger!"
"What do you mean? What do you have in Canada?"
- The number of times people have to tell me
"Kristen, you don't need to leave a tip"
"Kristen, don't tip"
"Kristen, 3% tip is enough"
- How often people point out my "hey" (aka, "eh" 's) like it's a birth defect
"Hey/Eh, do you want to go over there"
"This is really good, hey/eh?" - How I am fascinated by kebabs since we don't have them on every street corner like they do on this entire continent.
- Having to explain Halloween but ask about Epiphany
- How messy I keep my room and how little time I spend on grooming.
- I haven't seen Eurotrip 10 times
- "What do you mean you can only drive an automatic?"